Guys, trust me when I say that the CM team is not without alot of good ideas ourselves on what to run.
We appreciate your enthusiasm and share it! There are so many great WWII battles that we all would love to refight.
The first thing any scenario needs is a terrain to run it on. The second thing it needs are the appropriate vehicles and aircraft for the scenario to be viable.
A battle of the bulge scenario is already designed and waiting in the wings, you can find reference to it in this forum under the "Winter Sky / Death Ground" title.

Several southwest pacific designs are under development at different stages as we are awaiting some new terrains that will make those events shine.
The eastern front is not lanquishing either and we have great plans for that theater of battle as well.
The Terrain CMs are doing alot of great work and we will be benefiting from their efforts over the course of this year and next.
Even with the new schedule of four scenarios per year, it will take some time to work through them all. We also intend to feature any new aircraft which might come availble over the upcoming months / years and that also effects planned scheduling.
So by all means, throw out ideas and discuss them. But bear in mind the two things every event must consider. Terrain / aircraft+vehicles.