Author Topic: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High  (Read 14891 times)

Offline bbosen

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2011, 04:09:54 PM »
Thanks Sudz! I can now confirm that this problem is fixed. The latest version (V2.22 patch 3) shows the 3 previously missing buttons on my system.  :salute

Offline bbosen

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Update as of 06Jul2011, using AH V2.24.5:

SOME old missions work, and some do not. My experience indicates that about half of my sophisticated missions, which worked (to varying degrees without crashing) on almost all prior versions of Aces High, now crash or hang my computer with a "White Screen of Death".

Also, the missions compiled with the new Mission Editor (V2.24.5) don't support sound files properly. In any such mission, the first .wav file is played as expected, but the sim "hangs" (White Screen of Death) as soon as that sound file ends.

I hope future versions of the Mission Editor will fix these problems. In the meantime, it's back to 2.12.4 for me.

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Also, the missions compiled with the new Mission Editor (V2.24.5) don't support sound files properly. In any such mission, the first .wav file is played as expected, but the sim "hangs" (White Screen of Death) as soon as that sound file ends.

This has been fixed for next release.

- Sudz

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Offline bbosen

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2011, 11:49:48 AM »
Update as of 12Dec2011: I can confirm that the sound bugs described in the prior few postings have indeed been fixed. My latest experimenting has been with Version 2.26.3. It has another SERIOUS bug: Whenever it is used to edit and compile any changes into any mission, the original source code is corrupted and becomes unuseable. If you don't have a backup copy, the source gets destroyed.

For a temporary workaround, I have had success using an older version of the editor (I use V 2.12.4) for edits, and then I use version 2.26.3 ONLY to compile the results, always making sure I have a backup copy of the source. This (rather cumbersome) technique has allowed me to make newer versions of most of my old missions. However, even after succesfully compiling to v 2.26.3 as described here, the "bot" planes fly low, slow, uninspired combat tactics, not nearly as good as the bots in V2.12.4 flew the same missions. I'm still sticking with V2.12.4 for most of my work.

Offline bbosen

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2012, 08:50:02 AM »
Update as of 23Mar2012:

Using version 2.27.2, I just recompiled my new "Shubin at Guadalcanal" mission from the original source code, which was written for version 2.12.4. I didn't need to make ANY source code changes. Mission timing varied only slightly from the older version. Under version 2124, the bombers almost always hit their designated targets, and fighters fly brilliant, aggressive tactics. Under version 2272, the bombers always miss their targets and generally end up flying low, silly circles around their target airfields until they are shot down by ground gunners.

Using the mission editor for V2272, I couldn't get any of the .wav files to play, so I couldn't hear the mission briefing or audio banter within the editor. However, I had confidence regarding the general performance of those sound files from my experience with them under the mission editor for V2124, so I decided to try the results by simply compiling for V2272. The result was a working mission under Aces High V2272, which is now published on my website. As usual for recent versions, the result is not as good as it was with good-old V2124, but it's better than nothing for those that don't have V2124.

Offline bbosen

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2012, 03:53:08 PM »
Update 10Dec2012

Things are a lot better now, using Aces High 2.28.x.

The BOTS are BACK! Computer-controlled drones now fight sensibly with aggressive tactics like way back in the olden days. I have recompiled almost all of my old missions for compatibility with this current version 2.28.x of Aces High, and only a little bit of tweaking was used (given that my work was based on version 2.26.x for most of this effort). "Offline Missions" are now known as "Staged Missions", and it is possible to fly them online, combining real, live humans with computer-generated bots. With this new version 2.28.x, most of the issues upon which this long thread were founded have been addressed.

It is still tedious to take a sophisticated old mission written for version 2.12.x or earlier and get it compiled and running well under today's v2.28.x, but most of those ancient missions have been abandoned or updated already, so even that issue is less significant.

Many thanks to HTC and the offline/staged mission editor crew for advancing the state-of-the-art to this powerful level.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 04:04:49 PM by bbosen »

Offline Stalwart

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2012, 07:36:51 PM »
Cheers!~    :rock   The water looks good.

Makes me want to jump back in the pool.  :aok

Thank you HTC crew!~   :salute

Offline bbosen

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2013, 01:19:35 PM »
Update as of mid-December 2013:

Many of the prior posts in this thread refer to my old website at That web site no longer exists, but its content has been copied to my main web site Accordingly, in any of the links above, please replace "TechVideoReview" with "AskMisterWizard" and leave the remainder of any URLs unchanged.

As of this date, the current version of Aces High is V2.31.3. The Mission Editor for this version includes some new and powerful diagnostic aids that automatically report any mission segments that are designed beyond the the capability of the aircraft assigned to fly it. For example, if I design a mission with a segment demanding a rate of climb that is too steep for a P38 assigned to fly it, I am alerted when I try to compile the mission. I find it is then very easy to make minor changes to the route, speed, or altitude of the segment to compensate.

Mission developers are reporting a lot of "crashes" when missions are run offline with this version 2.31.3, even after correcting segments as described in the prior paragraph. I find that I can successfully compile any of my old missions to the complete satisfaction of the Mission Editor for V2.31.3, but only a few of them will actually run to completion offline. Most of them crash after a few minutes of flight. When this happens, the video image freezes, and a brief snippet of sound (generally engine noise) repeats over and over again and again for about 20 seconds before Windows intervenes with a diagnostic frame declaring that the program is not responding, and offering to terminate it. All of my experience of this nature has been derived from missions that are known to compile and run correctly with old Version 2.12.4.

I have tried to determine the cause of these crashes by methodically eliminating optional features from my missions. I chose my "PeabodySimple" mission  as the basis for this work because it's my simplest published mission. It is documented here:

After eliminating every reference to optional media files (.wav and .bmp) I found that this "crashing" problem is still unchanged. Accordingly, I am convinced that the problem is not related to the optional sound and image files that mission editors can put into mission briefings or mission "events".

In a more complex mission I vastly cut down the number of simulated aircraft. Decreasing the number of aircraft participating in the mission from about 100 down to about 15 did not affect the crashes either. I was surprised to find that if I flew the mission in the same way, it crashed at exactly the same point whether the mission was compiled with 100 airplanes, or with only 15.

I was also wondering if the error was related to the terrain in use. As an experiment, I used a very old version of the ndisles terrain with my Peabody Simple Terrain. It crashed in the same manner and at the same point as when I used the current version of ndisles.

Some developers report more success getting missions to run offline than online in the "Staged" arena. Other developers report the opposite. As of this writing, mission developers are searching for patterns to help localize the problem.

I now suspect that the developers at HiTechCreations are currently consumed with other features of Aces High that are more important to their business goals than offline or "staged" missions. I have confidence that at some point these issues will get their attention and will be fixed. In the meantime, although I will use newer versions of the Mission Editor to detect "impossible segments" in my missions as described above, I continue to use old version 2.12.4 as the basis for my mission development, and all of my missions are always compiled and optimized for that version.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 01:39:18 PM by bbosen »

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2013, 02:30:18 AM »
Bosen. If I understand you correctly your missions compiled in version 2.12.4 will only run in that version of the game or can you build missions in the old editor and run them with the current game version?

Offline MrKrabs

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2013, 06:53:50 PM »
Bosen. If I understand you correctly your missions compiled in version 2.12.4 will only run in that version of the game or can you build missions in the old editor and run them with the current game version?

Yes you can as long bellybutton you compile them in the newer version... Just like when we received a copy of the editor beta several months ago.
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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2013, 11:29:12 PM »
Yes, but what's the point?

Will missions built in an earlier version, but "compiled" in a newer version not have the same instability issue of those built entirely in the newer version?

Offline bbosen

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2013, 03:45:22 PM »
Bosen. If I understand you correctly your missions compiled in version 2.12.4 will only run in that version of the game or can you build missions in the old editor and run them with the current game version?

Your first guess is correct. Missions compiled with the Mission Editor that came with V2.12.4 will only run in that version of the game. (Actually, back in those early days of offline missions, the word "compile" is probably an overstatement. The Mission Editor from back then doesn't ever produce a .res file. The actual source code from the .mis file seems to be interpreted directly).

Accordingly, I can NOT build missions in that old editor and then run them with the current game version.

I have to run that old source code through a new editor to get it working with the current game version.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 03:54:31 PM by bbosen »

Offline bbosen

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2013, 03:47:48 PM »
Will missions built in an earlier version, but "compiled" in a newer version not have the same instability issue of those built entirely in the newer version?

Yes. Old, previously stable versions become unstable when compiled in a newer version as you deduced. I suspect that some new feature introduced in V2.31.x has a bug that causes these occasional crashes. I have recently seen some evidence suggesting that these failures are limited to Windows XP environments. Take a look in this thread in the  "bug reports" section of the bbs for a discussion of this:,356971.0.html
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 03:58:57 PM by bbosen »

Offline danny76

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Re: Things I've learned writing missions for various versions of Aces High
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2013, 04:06:30 PM »
My absolute and utter inability to comprehend anything technical in the OP's post just re-iterates to me, the degree of skill and knowledge that is required for the innumerable contributions made by AH members  :salute
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