Author Topic: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR  (Read 825 times)

Offline captain1ma

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AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« on: September 04, 2010, 08:55:43 AM »
Greetings AVA Pilots:

As our great Luftwaffe pilots bravely fought off the Yankee dogs of the Allies, our panzers also destroyed them on the ground! the new twin rivers map was littered with Allied parts as the inexperienced pilots of the allies took a severe beating. The yankee's even tried swarming our air bases but we were able to repel the them like the dogs they were, parts of planes falling everywhere.

on the ground our panzer crews were almost invincible again the little toy A4's and their meek crew's who had just bearly learned to shoot a cannon, nevermind hit something with it! our superior trained crews decimated the little A4's.

wave after wave of poorly trained Allied pilots came and died leaving a trail of tangled steel, aluminum and rubber.

this propaganda report brought to you courtesy of JG54!

*** Disclamer:  this report is meant to be fun. please dont take it seriously. what really happened last night was that about 30 people showed up on and off. It was a total blast. even dedalos showed up to try it out! <S> dedalos for giving it a whirl. the battles were fun and civilized and it was a great time. Give the AVA a try sometime. if you feel like it, you might enjoy it!
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 08:58:43 AM by captain1ma »

Offline PanosGR

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2010, 11:27:17 AM »
i have nothing more to say except this: EVERYBODY should try the NEW AvA arena. It is really worthing. Forget the MA. MA is for brainless ppl only. Come to AvA.

Offline jd

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2010, 11:54:52 AM »
i have nothing more to say except this: EVERYBODY should try the NEW AvA arena. It is really worthing. Forget the MA. MA is for brainless ppl only. Come to AvA.

SEE..Pretentious A-holes :furious
Current: Slipstrm

Offline jimson

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2010, 12:22:27 PM »
Be nicer guys!

Talk about whats great about AvA but leave out the insults to other arenas and their fans.

Offline Tyrannis

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2010, 12:32:48 PM »
heh. ii believe the axis factories have been burning because of me. :devil

Offline oakranger

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2010, 01:04:36 PM »
I am missing a left ARM, few ribs, and part of both legs.  If you found them, please hold on to them till the doors put the rest of my body together.  Also, some of the axis lost their egos, you can burn them since they do not need them

56th Fighter group

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2010, 08:40:47 PM »
I am missing a left ARM, few ribs, and part of both legs.  If you found them, please hold on to them till the doors put the rest of my body together.  Also, some of the axis lost their egos, you can burn them since they do not need them

that sounds like me and my ole pee38 o doom.

you're flying in an arena that is mission based...sort of.

below is the text of an imaginary AAR i did, and then i added a couple of gun camera pics.

i got to the flightline to find my trusty p-38J ready for todays mission. she was fueled up, ammo loaded, glass was clean, and my "special"
beverages had been stowed next to the armored seat.

 i gave her a cursory walk around, looking for any obvious defects, as todays mission was to be a low altitude sweep(i was soon to learn differently).
everything looked good, tires had good air pressure, no obvious hydraulic leaks, no latches left loose.

 i climbed aboard, stowed the ladder, and settled into the cockpit. my crewchief helped me strap in, and then jumped down, to man the fire extinguisher
for engine start. i follow through my checklist, being sure switches are all positioned properly, prop and fuel settings are correct for start, etc.
 i call "CLEAR!" as i hit the switch to wind up the inertia starter on #1 engine, i look, see louie standing at the ready, and well clear of the prop arc,
i engage the starter, and watch the prop slowly spin. i prime her a lil, as she coughs to life, and i hear the ever so sweet sound of allison v-1710 music
roar to life.
 allowing #1 to stabalize at idle, louie moves over to #2, and readies himself, as i spin up the inertia starter, once again calling "CLEAR", and engage
the starter, watching #2 join in the symphony of allisons.
 i love this aircraft, as these allison v-1710's never let me down, and should i suffer damage to one, i can easily feather the prop, and continue on home.

catherine(named for my grandmother, who was the most important person in my life) always brings me home, regardless of battle damage.

 oil pressure up on both engines, oil and cylinder head temps in operating range, i do a run-up on both engines, check all of my flight controls for
free and full movement, cycle both props, check mixture full rich, and head to the runway. on the way, i call out "p-38 taxing to runway 20, radio check
please?" i get a response from a b-24 5 miles out, calling loud and clear.
 i take the active, give a final tug on my safety harnesses, re-check my guages, and seeing everything in the green, i ease the throttles forward, reveling
(although i was nervous as usual when i head out on a combat mission alone) in the symphony of allison music. she accelerates beautifuly down the runway,
and at 100mph, i let her fly herself off the ground, retracting my gear. i check the mirrors on the engine nacelles, to verify my nose wheel up and doors closed.
at 500 ft agl, i turn south, climbing. i level out at only 3,000 agl, as my i am looking for targets of opportunity on the ground today.

 i set the mixture control to auto, guns switches all on, as i'm very close to enemy territory, when i get the call.

 damaged b-24, lost all of his box, damaged, and out of ammo, looking for escort. he was there, alone, and helpless, still behind enemy lines.
 this to me is more important than looking for targets of opportunity, as
there are 10 men on that aircraft. i radio him back, get his approximate location, and lift catherines nose to her maximum climb.

 as i level out at 20,000ft, i let her accelerate to max. cruise speed, looking for the 24. i spot the 24, about 6 miles at my 2 o'clock, and as i radio them to
inform them of my position and that they have cover, i catch a glint out of the corner of my eye, slightly below us.
 i inform the b24 of this, as i continue to draw closer to them, i don't see anything.

 i then hear a nearly panicked voice on the's one of the gunners, in sheer panic, as he calls it out. "FOCKE WULFE 7 O'CLOCK LEVEL,
 scan the sky, and spot him, closing on us hard. 10 men depending on my, i firewall the throttles, as the allisons roar to life, giving me everything they've got.
i'm coming at him, from his 1o'clock, and i'm in a slight dive to give me a little more speed. as he looks intent on the bomber, i start to lead turn into him,
and he turns towards me, firing from my 12:30, and slightly above me. i take a few hits, but managed to avoid the full fury of his cannons.
 as he passes me, he turns his attention back to the bomber, thinking i won't be able to get to him in time. he was wrong, as i had pulled up into a half
immelman, rolled out, and was already nearing 475mph, closing on him hard. i fired a short burst with 50's  only, missing him, but he saw the tracers, pulling
up off of the bomber. he knew that had he pressed his attack now, he would not survive.
 he maneuvered hard, doing all he could to spoil my shots, but he had already given me the advantage. all i had to do now, was wait for him to make a mistake.
i got a couple good hard bursts in with the full force of catherine's 50's and her cannon, and observed parts shedding off of the 190. as i got in closer it appeared
to be an A5. realizing he had made a fatal mistake the brave 190 pilot did all he could do to try and turn the tables on me, but it was all to no avail,
as he had lost some maneuvering ability, and i believe i may have hit the pilot, as i observed some hits on the top of the canopy.
 after the third pass, i observed his engine quit, as he seemed to enter a slow lazy spiral(much like the spiral i've witnessed many a b-17 enter). i started to
follow him down to confirm the kill, but i needed to find the 24, and verify he was ok. i could not raise him on the radio, nor could i find him.

 being exhausted from the combat, my cannon empty, and my aircraft not feeling quite right, i decided to head back home.  on the way back, i reflected a
little on the kill i had just scored. i always felt a little bad, as i feel that these brave pilots are kids compared to me. i have to do it was him,
or 10 of my countrymen.

upon returning to base, and landing, i spotted the b-24 sitting just off the runway at the far end. she had taken serious damage, and was unable
to stop when she touched down, as her hydraulics(for the brake system)were completley gone. the pilot had steered her off the runway, and
as soon as they hit the mud, it dragged her speed down greatly.
 i landed, taxied over to the maintenance hanger, went through my shutdown checklist, and shut her down. as i got out, i patted catherine;s glareshield,
and thanked her yet again, for being there for me, and making sure i got home safe and sound.
 i lowered the ladder. climbed down, and as i ducked underneath the boom, noticed one of my rudders was missing. this had to be the cause of the weird
handling. as i walk forward, running my hand down catherine's engine nacelle, i count my blessings once again, wondering when my number will be up.
i mutter to cathering(myself?) thank you again keep bringing me home, and i'll keep bringing you home.

now, granted.....that may be a little over the top, but i did that one to go with these pics.......

now, imagine the battles you guys are having. the battles to ensure safe passage of your comrades in their ju88's or in their b17's......or your wingman putting his life on the line to save your hide, as you dive in to take out the bridge before that panzer column crosses it.
 that along with pictures............ :D :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline oakranger

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2010, 08:48:03 PM »
that sounds like me and my ole pee38 o doom.

LOL, sorry to say but I was flying the P-38. I have no idea how to fly that thing correctly. 

56th Fighter group

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2010, 09:24:21 PM »
Been some fun (and unfun) in AvA the few days I've been visiting.  Not so fun in that most still cling to their LW/MA "tactics" (one reason I left LW/MA), everytime I seem to get into a 1v1 someone else decides that I am "too much" for their ally and jumps right on in (I know it happens, but I fly outside MAs to try and avoid it).  I admit I make some odds unfair in my favor, but it's because they jumped into mine first. :P

The 1v1s or 2v2s and so on where the odds are fair have been great fun.  Been doing better in there with the P-40 then I have ever done.  Most of the people in there are great fun to fight and are normally respectable people (most....).  The No Icons is pure awesome, makes tracking darn near impossible for someone with my eyesight but dang it's fun!  Now to get those darn Axis to stop flying so blasted high.

So to all the people who set-up AvA and make it fun <S>

Poor P-40 finally made it home after taking on a 109 and C,205 (who I tried to make overshoot and instead made him collide).

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2010, 09:26:02 PM »
LOL, sorry to say but I was flying the P-38. I have no idea how to fly that thing correctly. 

neither do i. that's what makes it so darn much fun!!
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline SunBat

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Re: AVA 9/3/10 -- AAR
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2010, 11:09:37 PM »
I was able to pop in for a bit and had a blast.   :aok
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