The Swampdragons......
A set of good men, who work well together and have a hell of a lot of fun. I just finished reading this thread. To summarize a squads character by the conduct of a player is simply pathetic. I would argue that a squad that ropes kills or masses low planes for it's older players to pick would rank lower than a squad who is oblivious to the conduct of a player. I enjoyed flying with the Swampdragons and made some damned fine friends flying with them. I think the posters in this thread who maligned the squad may want to reconsider their opinion. I also would say they are loyal to their members. They took the time to be diligent enough to not toss a guy on a BBS rant. Hope your squads have that much character.
Teearr <S>. Hope it really is not ends for you, I enjoy chasing Tempys in K4s.