in another thread, it was mentioned about flying at night with no icons. while i don't think i'd wanna fly that way a whole lot........
this i turned on the icons in my film viewer so i could show you all. if we can't see them at night, chances are they couldn't see us either. i took this screenie right as the fight started. it's kinda cool, 'cause no one really had any chance to set up for an attack....there was about 2 minutes of us searching for each other...all of us knowing the enemy was in close proximity.

now, for shooting at night with no icons,,,,again, not hard...unless you're like me, and your gunnery sucks in general.....
this guy was about 200-300 out, and was very easy to make out.

and of course....those %^&$# overmodeled trees.

if you look at 12 high to my doomed pee38, you'll see(rather easily) the 109 i was trying to follow. look to my planes 2 high, and you'll see killers spit pulling up for another pass.

now, something else i keep forgetting about.
icons are off in the arena. BUT........the REALLY cool thing, is that in the film viewer, all looks like you're used to in the mains. so when you watch your film(you DO film your fights to learn from, right?), you can watch with icons on or off, trails activated......all the normal learning tools....and you can see what/how that 109 just slipped away...or how that rusted out pee40 just turned in and under your fw, and how the hell did he keep with me anyway?
sorry if i seem like i'm harping.......i just think the word needs to be spread about a great set up.