Thank you all and sorry for wasting your time...
It is clear to me now what a piece of ____ windows 98 is.... and how dumb really I am.
What I found out was that IRQ 11 was used naturally by Geforce and somehow Win decided to share it also with my sound card... what kills me and maybe in some way rebilitates is that when I formated HD and install windows I have done all that with all cards removed - exept for Geforce. After installing Detonator drivers for Geforce I pluged in my sound card and run drivers for it. I have not expected to have any IRQ problems this way - I have never had.... (maybe back to Windows 95 when I was trying to run some old DOS based games with sound)... I havent botherd to check for IRQ due to correct install procceeder.
Another case shows how wrong I can be... and blind...
Like Joe Peshi said: - They %$#$ you and then they find a way to &%$# you some more"
How true...
Again thank you all for trying to help me, you have kept my confidience on high level