I use pedals from cheap steering wheel to control throttle (right) and head move forward (left) . I do have trouble with twisting stick and maneuvers like barrel roll so I want to use 1 led freetrack to control rudder . With scaling could work.
Seriously? I mean, to each their own, but there is a specific reason why the flight controls are designed the way they are for aircraft. I understand that steering wheel pedals are not ideal for rudder control, but they are better than nothing.
As for the twisty stick, yeah it's not the most accurate thing, but it's going to be tons better than trying to use your head to control rudder. Unless freetrack has the ability to report as a joystick or as a mouse, then you can forget this altogether.
I'm just questioning your reasoning for the whole pedal setup. Throttle doesn't need to be controlled with your feet (like a car)... a lot of people just set throttle to 100% with the keyboard, and toggle the engine on and off with a button on the joystick (if they don't have a throttle control).
You mentioned not being able to do a barrel roll... technically rudder control isn't even required for this maneuver, so I have a feeling that perhaps you don't quite understand how the control surfaces work on an airplane?