I my self have no idea how to skin a plane and I don't have the time or the intelect to figure it out.
I also have no idea what or how HT and company have/need to do to add a skin in the game?
I think it's pretty cool what the skinners do!
I like the history aspect the most. If I get an interest in some ones project,
I will try to lend a hand.
I have a few questions.....
1. What has to be done to add a skin in game? exp:Does it have to be coded or overlay-ed or..... in?
excuse me "Coaded"
2. What makes it hard to have more than X number of skins per plane in the game? "space, time it takes..."
3. Does each skin have to be added to the game separately?
4. Could we have a rotational block of skins every 3-6 months? Or a rotational blocks of the popular planes?
<This would increase the number of skins x2 or x4.>
Many or most squads flew more than one style of fighter! You could make it so squads would not lose there skin each rotation.... but it just might be represented differently on another plane..... exp: 51b-51d...47d11-47d40 or 39d-38j<god forbid>... hurri-spit-typh.
Each block of planes could be rotated in on a schedule < exp: Jan1 and July1> and all the "Squads" would have a skin representing them in the game.
Just askin,