Author Topic: BFG 260 GTX OC maxcore 55 for sale  (Read 2374 times)

Offline Tigger29

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Re: BFG 260 GTX OC maxcore 55 for sale
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2010, 11:13:11 AM »
oh i thought you had. my mistake. i am not much of a warranty person myself but what i paid for it i really dont need one

I think you missed the point completely.  The lifetime warranty might have helped to justify your asking price for the card.  The discussion about it was not to inform you about the warrantiability of the card for your own reasons.  Throw in the fact that the company no longer honors its warranties (for obvious reasons) this become a moot point.

Whether or not the price you ask is fair is also not what is being debated, it's the way you come across yourself.  In one thread, you're bragging about how cheap you got the card ($40).  In another thread, you're asking $125 for it, claiming the reasons for you selling it (and making $85 off of the deal) is because the card won't work with your system as-is, and because it would be too much of a pain to modify it to make it work.

I'm sorry, but that just sounds sheisty to me.  Kind of like a guy trying to sell a car on craigslist 'cheap' and claiming that all it needs to run is a $4 part that takes ten minutes to put in.  "I'm selling it at this awesome deal because I don't want to spend ten minutes and $4 to fix it!" you know really means "it needs thousands of dollars worth of work but I'm looking for a sucker to take it off of my hands".

And in your case, it's not even that great of a deal!

Basically, when people want to get rid of something the sake of convenience, they typically don't try to make a lot of money off of the deal.  When someone DOES want to sell something to make a decent profit, they usually don't go bragging about how cheap they bought it for in the first place.  You somehow managed to fail with both scenarios.

Of course we're going to flame you!

Regardless, I'm happy you got it working for you... just take this as a life lesson learned and move on...

Offline columbus

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Re: BFG 260 GTX OC maxcore 55 for sale
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2010, 11:45:14 AM »
125.00 for the card including shipping isn't a bad price at all, wiether i paid 5.00 or 40.00 is reguardless. the card itself goes for 200-300 dollars. its the 212 core version not the standard 192 core GTX 260. so while i may have been making 85.00 minus the cost of shipping on it. the person buying is was gonna saving 85.00 + plus getting free shipping. granted the warranty thing sucks but there was no warranty implied to start with.

Offline Ghosth

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Re: BFG 260 GTX OC maxcore 55 for sale
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2010, 12:24:26 PM »
If you want to sell something used, for what you paid for it, plus what it costs you to ship it someplace. That would be honest and fair dealing.

Trying to sell something that you paid 40$ and getting 120$ for is neither honest nor fair.
And you might as well give up and start yourself a new user name. Because at this point I doubt anyone would buy anything from you.

Next time just be happy to get your 40$ back and quit trying to rip off fellow AH players.

BTW either you are as someone mentioned Zohan, or your his evil twin, really doesn't matter which.

Offline columbus

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Re: BFG 260 GTX OC maxcore 55 for sale
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2010, 12:56:39 PM »
rip off ?? how do you rip off someone selling a 200-300 card for 125??? reguardless of what i paid for it. 

i don't need to explain myself to anyone. its all a mute point cause i am keeping the card.

if i bought a 10,000 card for say 2,000 and sold it for 5,000 would i be ripping anyone off?  i highly doubt it.

the card is well worth 125.00 you cannot argue that fact? no other point needs to made unless you can make claim the card isn't worth that.

either you want it and pay for or you pass, thats how business and people make money they sale things at a profit.

now if i had sold it for retail value then you might have a valid arguement.

Offline Skuzzy

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Re: BFG 260 GTX OC maxcore 55 for sale
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2010, 01:02:28 PM »
If you do not like the price of something being sold, then move along.  This forum is for selling.  It is not a dicsussion forum on how much anyone would make or not make on the sale.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese