Easiest way to explain IRQ's is i guess like this...
Imagine them as roads that info/setup data pass down, Now a less congested road will cause less accidents/glitches
So bearing this in mind a shared IRQ can/may cause probs
Now in Windose most IRQ probs do not get detected
Now if you have modem/vidcard using IRQ 11 you can do this to seperate IRQ's....
Goto control panel/system/device manager, Find any cards that share an IRQ eg:your modem/vidcard, Note which IRQ (steering are ok to share an IRQ, Imagine Steering as traffic lights (a good thing), They are like progs that help that IRQ to work)
Now to change IRQ's you note cards that are sharing then you goto BIOS (generally Delete key on bootup, Check motherboard manual)
Get into Bios and find ADVANCED (usually under advanced tab but may be similar depending on motherboard
There you will have a choice to manually assign a certain IRQ to a certain pci slot
eg: My AGP vidcard is on IRQ 11 as default and at default my S-Live PCI card in slot 3 shares IRQ 11, So i manually assign Pci slot 3 to IRQ 5, I just click slot 3 option and scroll down to IRQ 5
I used IRQ 5 as it was a spare/unused IRQ, You will need to find a similar unused/spare available to you
Save after altering in the Save/Exit option
After pc reboots you have manually changed the IRQ
Tried to keep it simple, Please don't assume you have freeways on your motherboard as i use roads as an example

Hope this helps
And as i say only actual cards that share an IRQ generally cause probs, The steerings/alike are there to aid the use of the card on that IRQ
Have Fun
OOPS: Best add to find in ctrl panel/system/device manager, You double click on each part then goto resource tab, IRQ if used is under Resources/Interupt request
[ 10-28-2001: Message edited by: Defiance ]