Author Topic: IRQs.  (Read 475 times)

Offline R4M

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« on: October 27, 2001, 09:19:00 PM »

I'm having SERIOUS FPS problems in AH like I never had before (even back in 1.03 with my old PII I had better FPS than now with a K7)...and I recall a thread some days ago about IRQs and how the video card should be in an IRQ not shared with any other thing.

Well I have my video card in the 11 IRQ...and I have my modem in teh 11 IRQ...and I have some screwed thing I dont understand WTF it is, also, in the 11 IRQ.

I try to change the IRQ (In system, selecting the card, hitting the configuration, etc...says I can't set another IRQ for the card or the modem).

So, how the -****---***- do I solve this thing?...I want to get my video card alone but it doesnt let me!.

Any help welcome.

Offline Wobble

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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2001, 09:40:00 PM »
what OS?

if your using Win2k or 2kpro there is a very easy way to 'fix' it so that ya can have everything on a different IRQ..

if you dont have 2k or 2kpro.. whats wrong with you?  ;)

if its 98, sorry, havent used it in a long while.. though some cards *used* to (dont know if now) have jumpers on them that you could move to change which IRQ they 'like'..

Offline R4M

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2001, 09:41:00 PM »
Win98 SE.

And the problem is that in IRQ 11 I have THREE things, and can't move them...

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2001, 10:51:00 PM »
I'd need to know what motherboard, what cards and what slots they are in now and what IRQ's are assigned to what and which IRQ's are free...
video agp or pci - if agp you should not have anything in first pci slot (closest to agp) on most mb's.  CHeck ur mb manual, it'll tell you what slots share irqs with what slots and in the bios you usually can assign a irq to a slot. also disable comm ports if you don't use them to free up those irqs.
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Offline AKIron

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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2001, 10:51:00 PM »
You may have more control within Windows over the device interrupts if you choose 'Yes' for the bios setting: Plug and Play OS. The bios then only sets the interrupts for a few devices, video is one of them however.

Some other things I've found that can affect performance are memory speed and agp speed settings. If you choose CAS 2 and your memory can't handle it, big performance/stability hit. Same for AGP, better to set at 2X than 4X.
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Offline Defiance

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« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2001, 03:14:00 AM »
Easiest way to explain IRQ's is i guess like this...
Imagine them as roads that info/setup data pass down, Now a less congested road will cause less accidents/glitches

So bearing this in mind a shared IRQ can/may cause probs

Now in Windose most IRQ probs do not get detected

Now if you have modem/vidcard using IRQ 11 you can do this to seperate IRQ's....

Goto control panel/system/device manager, Find any cards that share an IRQ eg:your modem/vidcard, Note which IRQ (steering are ok to share an IRQ, Imagine Steering as traffic lights (a good thing), They are like progs that help that IRQ to work)
Now to change IRQ's you note cards that are sharing then you goto BIOS (generally Delete key on bootup, Check motherboard manual)
Get into Bios and find ADVANCED (usually under advanced tab but may be similar depending on motherboard

There you will have a choice to manually assign a certain IRQ to a certain pci slot

eg: My AGP vidcard is on IRQ 11 as default and at default my S-Live PCI card in slot 3  shares IRQ 11, So i manually assign Pci slot 3 to IRQ 5, I just click slot 3 option and scroll down to IRQ 5
I used IRQ 5 as it was a spare/unused IRQ, You will need to find a similar unused/spare available to you

Save after altering in the Save/Exit option
After pc reboots you have manually changed the IRQ

Tried to keep it simple, Please don't assume you have freeways on your motherboard as i use roads as an example    ;)

Hope this helps

And as i say only actual cards that share an IRQ generally cause probs, The steerings/alike are there to aid the use of the card on that IRQ

Have Fun


OOPS: Best add to find in ctrl panel/system/device manager, You double click on each part then goto resource tab, IRQ if used is under Resources/Interupt request


[ 10-28-2001: Message edited by: Defiance ]

Offline 214thCavalier

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« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2001, 05:22:00 AM »
I find it can be easier to just swap the cards to a different slot boot up and see how it settles.
You have not posted your sys specs here which dont help but as posted above if you have an AGP Vid card then DO NOT use the PCI slot next to the AGP slot.
If you have IRQ conflicts still then you can go into bios and try manually reasigning them but its also well worth doing a bit of slot swapping as I have known it to easily cure some real problems.

Offline R4M

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« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2001, 08:57:00 AM »

Thanks for the help guys. I simply swapped my modem from the slot it was in, to the next one. Now I have my video card in IRQ 11, alone.

Problem is that I'm still having horrendously low FPS...but at least this is already solved  :).

Thanks for hte tips!

Offline Saltty

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« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2001, 10:15:00 AM »
Hate to say this but I think your frame rate problem has more to do with 1.08 than your puter.
I have gone from 25 fps to 3, yes 3. I have been down every road to increase my rate but I have had no luck only extreme frustration.

my system is a :
 Amd 500
Creative tnt2 64 pro
192 meg ram
Saitek usb combo

As best I can surmise,its my processer thats my biggest problem. Amd k6's have a bad floating point processer (what every the hell that is,I drive a truck for gwad sake)
which limits the speed the graphics can be rendered. As HT adds more goodies, ya need more computer,my system just doesn't have the horsepower for the job anymore. Which I guess brings up the next question at what point is the game going run off from the folks paying the bill.

Anyway now momma is picthing a royal fit as I shopping for a new box...."Those damn airplanes" she mutters
Hell i may have to go back to pong or something.
Luck to ya

Offline mrsid2

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« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2001, 11:24:00 AM »
Saltty not only you have a POS cpu, you already have an ancient displaycard. Seeing the letters voodoo or TNT is like seeing 486 when talking about processors..

It's time to upgrade. You're not running ANY of the new boxed games with your setup either, don't expect to do so with AH.

Same goes for R4M.

Offline Sombra

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« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2001, 12:34:00 PM »
I have an Athlon 500, TNT2 M64 , and performance, with clutter off (new detailed textures) seems as nice as with previous versions, that is 29 fps (IIRC, away from AH )on tower with clipboard, 1024x768, 16bit color... for reference purposes  :)
