Author Topic: how to set IRQs manually in Win98???  (Read 689 times)

Offline Kirin

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how to set IRQs manually in Win98???
« on: June 28, 2000, 01:30:00 PM »
Mmmmmm'kay - still fiddeling around with the new detonator drivers... grrr  

From the GeForce-FAQ I got a clue that with the new Detonators the GeForce mustn't share any IRQs. Now since Win98 does not let u set IRQs manually I have a real problem. I tried several settings in hardware manager and even in BIOS - no succes! BIOS (or Windows??) does always set the GeForce with some other devices...  sometimes with PCI bridge sometimes with others - although I have enough IRQs still free!!!

I tried to disable Windows IRQ steer - no success... also fiddeled around with BIOS:

For each IRQ I can set following options: PNP/ISA or ISA Legacy...  when I set an IRQ to Legacy no device will be assigned to it... grrr... the only thing I want is to get the GeForce on a single IRQ alone

Got a Gigabyte 6BXS with SCSI onboard...

I came to think that my problem IS the IRQ sharing...

any advices???
Real men fly Radial!

Offline Azrael

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how to set IRQs manually in Win98???
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2000, 02:13:00 PM »
Hi Kirin

You can assign the interrupts in Win9x, just depends if the driver accepts the changes or not.

To change e.g. the GFX card IRQ (which isn't allowed usually, but should give you a hint on how to do it with other devices):

Right-Click 'My Computer' (Arbeitsplatz)
Select 'Properties' (Eigenschaften)
Select the Hardware? Tab (Geräte-Manager)
Choose the device you want to change and select 'properties' (Eigenschaften)
Select 'Reccources' (Ressourcen)
Deactivate the 'select automatically' (automatisch auswählen) check box
Find the IRQ ressource and change it (note: you can't change this for some devices, like GFX cards)

Also, if you open the 'properties' section of 'My Computer', you can check the assigned IRQ's by selecting 'Computer' and hitting the 'properties' button.

Any 'IRQ-Holder' (IRQ-Holder für PCI-Steuerung) is a phantom device that can be ignored, Win9x uses this to denote a shareable IRQ.


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Offline sparkzz

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how to set IRQs manually in Win98???
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2000, 10:04:00 PM »
Another method that works (and its definitely not the most efficient, but it works) is to use the reserve irq resources in the device manager to eliminate all the extra irqs except the 1 you want it to have.  Its a really big pain, but it always works.  Right click My Comp.,select properties, select device manager, right click Computer, select properties, select reserve resources tab.  Reserve all free irqs that you dont want to use and leave the desired irq free.  If windows reconfigures itself and still choses a different irq (i.e. uses the desired irq for HDD and assigns 15 to the video card) repeat process as no 2 times are the same.  Who said jumpers were bad.

Offline Kirin

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how to set IRQs manually in Win98???
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2000, 01:07:00 AM »
Arrrggghh... yeah I want my jumpers back!!! PnP - who needs this anyway???

Well thx for the advices will try it out...
Real men fly Radial!


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how to set IRQs manually in Win98???
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2000, 01:34:00 PM »
You can try move PCI card avay from AGP port. Worked for me   I just have to leave PCI slot that is close to AGP empty.

Offline LJK_KämpferAs

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how to set IRQs manually in Win98???
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2000, 08:21:00 PM »
YUP, try to move some of the PCI card, as these PCI slot allow what IRQ is used in some cases forces a conflict.

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