Now i myself have flown with nate and I myself would fly with him again, he is a very good stick, better then me, and hes younger then me by i think 2 or 3 years! I have been playing for gosh 3 or 4 years now and as many of you remember i was a terrible squeeker, but, I learned i controlled myself, something nate IS learning to do, it just takes time and patience from more then just him, but all of us here, we are a community and no matter what a brother ( or sister ) flys, whether they are a bishop or a knight or a rook it doesnt matter, in the end we all have the same goal, kill the red guys. ( which does mean each other ) so what nate needs is a squad willing to accept him and deal with him for a while, every time he gets acclimated to a squad he gets kicked. He just needs to find his niche. And excuse me for the spelling, grammar and punctuational errors, im typing from my phone here.