Apologies if I cam across as "tude" -ee. Not my intent at all.
I think you're saying my idea rated mocking instead of thoughtful discussion therefor it must be a lousy idea. I would be perfectly satisfied with it being a stupid idea, but when I read your replies, it's not clear that you understood the idea correctly. So I'm going to explain it again, and then if you think it's so stupid that no serious reply is warrented, I'll leave it be.

I want 2 BARs not 3
We have two bars now, but one is for friendlies. What point is there in a friendly bar when all the friendly dots are visible anyway? Silly waste of a BAR quite frankly
The two bars would be changed from 1 "all enemy bar" and 1 friendly bar, to 2 enemy bars [one color for each.] No friendly bar.
You brought up the spotter point about plane IDs. I didn't realize you were joking, so I tried to examine that line of reasoning. I don't, and never did think, the abilities of prospective actual spotters plays any real role in determining the Dar-Bar formulation. The Dar Bar is there to keep people from wasting time and to speed up finding the action, without giving too much information about exact location, speed, type, alt. etc.
In keeping with the spirit of the Dar-Bar, just enough info is a better thing, than not enough info. I suggest that the problem isn't when the sides are all even. Then which ever side you switch to is fine. The problem is when I'm Knit, and there is no fight because the Rooks and Bish are fighting each other. but it could be 30[rook] v 15[bish]. I can't tell because that's just a giant red dar bar in 3 connecting sectors. So I ponder and check the roster but it doesn't help me. So I guess Rook. Oops now It's 31 v15! And I'm stuck there for an hour. I think it would help keep fights more balanced and keep people from making mistakes when switching sides. The downside you mentioned of 'ruining the surprise' doesn't seem to outweight the benefits of not wasting an hour of MA time.
I hope that helps, and wasn't "tude" -ee
