Author Topic: 30mm vs Lancs  (Read 366 times)

Offline Vinkman

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30mm vs Lancs
« on: November 05, 2010, 09:14:25 AM »
Question: Has anyone noticed an error in the hit/damage model for the internal bombay of a Lancaster?

Caught some lancs the other day at 20K in a K4. I pulled along side at 1.5K off his 3 o'clock, keeping just below the belt line so the upper turret couldn't hit me. Then I initiated a very easy left turn and drifted towards them at full WEP so I could match thier forward speed as I moved under the lead plane. The bombay was open and I could see the full racks of bombs. I nosed down a touch to get some separation, adjusted throttle and pulled up for a gun solution. I fired 5-10 30mm right into the bombay and nothing happend. To keep from hitting the plane I rolled left and continued to pull up went full WEP, and barrel rolled over and then under the left drone and repeated the same process. Fired 5-10 30 mm into the left drones bombay and nothing happend. I banked right and fell behind the formation a bit but caught up the right drone from underneath where again I fired up into the belly of the plane with 5-10 30mm rounds and nothing happend. The lead plane tail gun started to hit me at that pont so I banked right, then back left and fired the rest of my ammo at the formation. I got a hit on the right wing of the right drone and hit the tail section of the lead plane, knocking off an elevator I think. Took oil lead and engine damage and dove away. I glided down for over a sector and ditched in enemy territory, and was captured. No kill, no flames, no nothing.

I've killed Lancs before by hitting the center section with 5 or so 30mm, and 5-10 taters should have been more than enough. But hitting them internally, by shooting in to the open bomb bay seems to not be recorded as a hit. Anyone come across this? Is this a glitch?

Sorry didn't film it.  :frown: but maybe the Lanc driver did.  Anyone reading this the Lanc Driver?


« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 11:10:10 AM by Vinkman »
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Re: 30mm vs Lancs
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2010, 09:29:11 AM »
I use the 37mm from the Yak...  I almost never kill them when I fire into the fuselage.  I've unloaded multiple rounds and the don't even seen affected.  Wing root and engines are the only way I can kill LANCS
SWneo <==== In game name. Cpt 125th Spartan Warriors.

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Re: 30mm vs Lancs
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2010, 09:39:31 AM »
Hmm, i kill Lancs with K4's and even my F4U-1A all the time no problem...wing roots and engines are always sweet spots however when i use those .50's i have no problem tearing up that massive hull of them Lancasters. Not sure what it was....only noobs fly Yaks..  :noid

 :salute SWkiljoy
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