Maybe get a CM to turn on 262s or Tempests in the other country and everyone go hunting them when they are around? thing is to ignore em. any attention at all, will only feed their desire.
i liked jherne's idea, but there is one little flaw with it.
although these guys are agitating a bunch of us, the reality is that they are doing nothing wrong. they're playing within the rules.
if we wanted to turn them in to htc, we'd hafta catch em lightin up 200, or with some sort of sheat happening.
the best we can do, is to run film whenever fighting, so as to catch anything they do on it. the added benefit is that we can then watch our films too.
this unforutnatly is something we're gonna have to handle ourselves, and to be honest, i've got the fullest confidence in the ava crew to be able to do this with/for us.