This one's been sitting on my HDD for months now, so I thought I'd get it finished and submit it.
Panther 215 was part of the same platoon of 2./SS-Pz. Regt. 1 as the default skin (tank 211). This platoon was the spearhead of the German attack in the Battle of the Bulge when it ran into an American ambush at Stoumont. The lead tank 215 was knocked out by multiple hits from Shermans and 90mm AA guns, the rest of the platoon retreated to wait for reinforcements that never came. This battle marked the furthest extent of the German advance and their army soon went into full retreat.
Tank 215 was built by Daimler Benz in Septmeber 1944 and painted in their "ambush" scheme. This was a short lived experiment in camouflage, I suspect it just took too long to do.