Alt-F4 Comments are funny in my honest opinion, but I think the first time people log in, the message which tells you ALT-F4 kills the game should be shown.
Alt F4 gags have defined the AH community in some way, bringing out the prankster side in what is already a great game. Its in the venacular of the player base, just like racist and offensive terms or words that have sunk into common usage because of attitude changes or lowering of standards or indifference.
If you take it seriously or are just too dumb to realize that alt F4 shuts down whatever application you are running, its your fault for falling for it.
And in regards to the "lack of funds" argument, the whole policy of AH2 is not to charge until your hooked, and even then there is no guarantee that they will subscribe. Half the two weekers either cannot pay, or do not want to. But the ones that do become dedicated players like ourselves and in my opinion, that alone vindicates them, if they fall for the joke, they WILL log back in and have a laugh at it and know not to do it again.
Oh and "Firesuit on"