Author Topic: Just bout ready to hit the "BUY" button on the new PC  (Read 447 times)


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Just bout ready to hit the "BUY" button on the new PC
« on: January 27, 2001, 03:12:00 AM »

Im very close to buying a Micron XP with Athlon 1200Mhz and 266fsb plus all the fancy stuff, its very $$$$$. I thought of building my own but I always had bad luck with the suckers, and I just want it all to work (so I can get back to killin all u fine people)  . Any of you have any experience with Micron?  


Offline bloom25

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Just bout ready to hit the "BUY" button on the new PC
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2001, 03:23:00 AM »
I was unaware that the 133 mhz athlons were available yet.  Also, I haven't heard whether or not the bugs with AMD's new 760 DDR chipset have been fixed yet...

You might want to wait until after Monday, supposedly the 1300 Mhz Athlon may be released then.  If this happens, the price of the 1200s and below will likely drop.



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Just bout ready to hit the "BUY" button on the new PC
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2001, 03:36:00 AM »
If you dont intend on running all games at 1600x1200 or above dont bother with a ge-force, get a v5 5500, if you ARE going to run above 1600x1200 the the ge-force will will give you a higher FR but its not enough to make up for its sub-par FSAA capabilities..

Offline 715

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« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2001, 06:29:00 PM »
Make sure to take into account, however, that all 3D technologies from 3DfX, makers of VooDoo cards, have been bought out by Nvidia and a v5 card may not have support in the future.  FSAA is indeed not as well done on GeForce cards but FSAA is a way to reduce visual problems at low rendering resolution.  A partial solution is to just render at higher resolution.  In fact, FSAA just renders a lot of slightly shifted versions of each frame then blurs them together.  FSAA is a matter of personal choice- I for one find it just makes things look like I need new glasses (i.e. slightly out of focus).


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Just bout ready to hit the "BUY" button on the new PC
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2001, 06:43:00 PM »
I took this pic at 1024x768x32 with 2xfsaa on the V5 5500, I dont see anything that is blurry.  this is at 55fps btwe on an Athlon 800

[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 01-27-2001).]

Offline 715

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« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2001, 07:00:00 PM »
That picture does look better than what a GeForce does on FSAA.  However, you didn't snap a picture where the scenery is actually visible.    I would like to make another point about FSAA that actually supports your position vs mine.  People always describe the AA (stands for Anti Aliasing) as "removing the jaggies" on diagonal lines.  That's not really why it's called anti aliasing.  It involves things in the distance where you can't actually see the lines.  However, when these distant textures or polygons are rendered they can "alias" with each other ie give sub harmonics.  This leads to the shimmering you sometimes see in distance scenery in some simulations as well as the occassional Moire like patterns.  Anti-aliasing renders slightly shifted versions of these polygons so that each pixel rendered gets an average intensity of several renderings.  This not only kills the jaggies in close polygons, but prevents the shimmering and Moire aliasing in distant ones by preventing sub harmonics.  It prevents sub harmonics by basically sampling the image at a spatial frequency higher than the display resolution.  That's why it kills frame rate: the card is rendering several versions of each frame per displayed frame.  The VooDoo cards do this better than GeForce ones.  But then VooDoo will probably not have any support in the future.


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Just bout ready to hit the "BUY" button on the new PC
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2001, 07:12:00 PM »
1024x768x32 2X FSAA  55fps

this one ya can see the terrain a bit, I will post another that shows full scenery with gunfire and whatnot if ya want.

[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 01-27-2001).]

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Just bout ready to hit the "BUY" button on the new PC
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2001, 10:09:00 PM »
1024 by 768 32 bit , gelforce 256 .


Looks to me your pic is much better looking  
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