There were three steps that changed the rate of resets. The first one was long ago by introducing the new winning conditions (40% of both enemy coutnries)
The recent changes had significant impact. New town size & distribution made capturing bases harder, and effectively halved the rate of captures (Yes, I could make a chart but it's not so complex that a visualization is necessary... or is it? )
And now the last step the new arena setup: the peak arena maps are only on for 9 hours a day. Much less time to work on.
All factors together: You need more bases to get a reset, but it's much harder to capture each base and you have much less time to do that. So we went from very frequent resets (up to more than once per day) to almost no resets
As far as I know he mentioned only cities & factories, not town buildings:,298324.msg3813790.html#msg3813790
Did you or any others pick up any patterns in play during the midst of the changes?
Radar settings extended: Reaction
"we cant bases" then came the countless threads on how to exploit it.
Town layout: Reaction:
" Its too hard to take them down and we cant see them when they are destroyed". Then came the high alt bombers to come sweep the hangars so they have enough time to take it down.
Arena setup: Reaction:
"we dont have enough time to reset the maps". Given that this just started last week, Im sure in the near future they will adapt squad nights to fit the bill on this schedule to they can win maps.
Subscriptions down? Perhaps..but do you honestly think that a guy joining the game today is really going to notice these changes?
The WAR can still be won, its not impossible nor too hard to achieve if you are a bit smarter and cordinated in your strat play and that calls that you do play defense too to acheive your goal
I like the changes. At least now I have a choice to engage what I want to engage rather than having to have my clipboard map up searching for that ever clever mission thats roaming the map.
Once things settle down and people get used to the changes, give it time and we will still end up taking one step back to deal with it.