Author Topic: Setting the Roger Wilco transmit key on the Saitek X45  (Read 401 times)

Offline Wanker

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Setting the Roger Wilco transmit key on the Saitek X45
« on: November 11, 2001, 12:32:00 AM »
Using SGE, I have all my AH commands, no sweat. The only thing that doesn't work is I can't figure out how to program a key to be the RW transmit key. Here's an example....I set the transmit key to the "home" key in RW, and then I set the Fire "D" botton on the X45 throttle as my "Key mic" key, using the "home" key. But it won't transmit.

Do I have to do something special to that command in SGE to get the botton to hold the command until released?

Thanks in advance.

Offline SkyKing

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Setting the Roger Wilco transmit key on the Saitek X45
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2001, 01:32:00 PM »
I also would like to know how to do this

Offline straffo

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Setting the Roger Wilco transmit key on the Saitek X45
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2001, 02:21:00 PM »
did you set your RW key as HOME in AH ?

Offline air_reaper

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Setting the Roger Wilco transmit key on the Saitek X45
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2001, 02:38:00 PM »
Set the transmit key to what you want in RW. In the AH profile of your SGE set the same keystroke to whatever button.

In the AH keystrokes I cleared any key that was there. Run the game and try it. Wont work with game minimized.

No need to set a key in the AH keystrokes settings for the mic. As long as both are running the SGE will take care of it.

Offline DrSoya

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Setting the Roger Wilco transmit key on the Saitek X45
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2001, 09:47:00 PM »
Originally posted by banana:
I can't figure out how to program a key to be the RW transmit key. Here's an example....I set the transmit key to the "home" key in RW, and then I set the Fire "D" botton on the X45 throttle as my "Key mic" key, using the "home" key. But it won't transmit.

HOME is the key for returning the head position to default. Are you sure you want to use it for RW? I suggest you take another key. END and F12 are both available, and do work on button D on my X36, as long as you assign the "Key Mic" function to your RogerWilco key (because AH resets the transmit key in RogerWilco on loading).

If you're not using SGE but programming the stick from AH setup (as in my case since I'm running XP and there is no XP version of SGE), then you also need to enable RogerWilco in AH setup as well in order for the key to be sent when you press the button. Furthermore, without SGE F12 does work, but END does not.

What I'd really like to know, is how to program a supplementary key for voice recognition software, since I can't do it with SGE (since I'm running XP).

Is there some harmless AH function I can use to send some key? I think only Key Mic will send a keystroke when pressing a stick button, to send a cue to the voice comm program for transmission.

[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: DrSoya ]

Offline Wanker

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Setting the Roger Wilco transmit key on the Saitek X45
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2001, 10:27:00 PM »
Wont work with game minimized

Eureka!! Air Reaper wins the prize. Funny as this sounds, I was testing it with AH minimized, so that I could see if it was giving me the little "transmitting" word when I pressed the button. Little did I know until Air Reaper mentioned it, that it was working, but only when AH is maximized. When I had AH minimized, the SGE profile is disabled...when I maximize AH, the profile is enabled.

Thank you so much Air Reaper, I'll buy you a beer at the con next year.  :)