Bruv is honost makes good decisions and doesnt take sides even if you are in the squad if you are wrong he will tell ya as a person being in charge of the Koth events,he beats fuzeman anyday of the week. Fuzeman made his mistakes and wont admit to them i have no respect for him and i never said TheFew would be running the koth, but Bruv you read into too much things being said just to get watermelon started
Well that tells me all that I need to know
Fuzeman is the life and breath of the AH KOTH and has poured his heart, soul and his own hard to come by money in to this event longer than any other person who has had a hand in being a KOTH CM........ and has run every KOTH TOC entirely by himself and has used his own money to make up for the difference in the cost for the TOC Plaques.....
he even had to give up and was made to pick only "1" event or area to put his time in a few years back and had to give up his other desires of volunteering for other parts of the community in helping and CM'ing and Training......
so, DrBone........
your lil sphil about Bruv beating Fuzeman any day of the week in KOTH and your disregard for what all Fuzeman has done for all of us , does not sit well with me nor with many many others in this community,
too many egomaniacs are floating around nowadays......... and some of them deserve anything Fuzeman may have dished out or AKDogg may have dished out......if it is regarding some of the filth I have heard in the past that has come across the VOX in the KOTH tournaments each month.....
-some of the people who post in the KOTH forum have a lack of vocabulary and show their true ignorance while flying the KOTH events......
-while some can not even play in the event and are incapable of doing so without having a third party outside of the game vox/communication program running full steam like "teamspeak"........
-while others try their absolute best at trying to engage someone in a 3 way fight while really not engaging them........ or 4 way fight or 5 way fight, etc......
hopefully honor and respect will win out in the long run.......
but I would not hold my breath..........
and I always call it like I see it or have experienced it first hand, and I have always reported it just the same......
Fuzeman and Dogg, I am greatful and appreciative of all the time and effort both of you have given of yourselves to try and make enjoyment for the rest of us
Johnny ( TC )
I am glad now that I did not take the spot for when the next KOTH CM slot opens up........