I think I counted 9-10 against F3 and 1 kind of for it.
1 very confused Uptown as well.
I like the idea of disabling weapon usage while in F3 mode.
<S> Melvin
most bombers have f3 mode to make up for the fact that in ww2, you had multiple ppl watching all diff sides at all times. f3 mode is the only way to properly replicate that. any plane that consists of more than 1 pilot deserves to have f3 mode. you guys want realism? f3 is as close to it as we can get when it comes to multiple points of view. and it shouldnt be disabled in DA because sometimes its just fun to fly in f3 mode, and look at your plane, and admire the skin.
if your angry about "ppl flying in f3 mode" then stay in the MA. where fighters cant go into f3 mode.
and we have ALOT worse problems in DA than flying in f3 mode, like the HO'ing,picking,spitdweebs, HOing temps,vultchers,chatbox whiners,etc. i see f3 mode at the bottom of the list of problems in there.