Had a great time even with a small crowd at times. Great fights with and against Grumpy and Catfish. Here are some screens:
Grumpy and I at the hangar after a grueling battle, waiting for our lazy slug crew chiefs to come out and chock the rides.
Doing a little escort/hiding with Catfish and his friends.
The crowd thinned down to me and Catfish flying and another guy in a gv. So, Catfish and I went at it for quite a few low, in the phone booth, scissors. He won most of them because I was distracted with clearing trees so the rest of you guys won't run into any (that means you, Dichotomy
). Once again, I have landed the contract for tree clearing on this map. So, stay outta my trees if you please!
It was a pleasure jousting with you, Catfish!
Well done!