...Fighterstick has a 8 way hat (and several other 4 ways), while the Combatstick only has 4 way hats.
It don't sound like a big deal, but a 8 way hat for primary view settings is very very very nice in comparison to trying to use 2 4 ways.
I suggest the Fighterstick personally.
I have to agree with Verm on this. I use the Combatstick and have THREE hats and ONE button set to differnt combinations of views.
When the Fighterstick comes available in my area, I'll upgrade to it in a heartbeat, just for that single 8 way hat!
If ya need the PTX files for CH-PRO throttle/Combatstick lemme know. I'll zip em up and send it off to you with details on what switch does what.
That way you can modify or leave alone to your hearts content.
Oh! The problem with the USB stuff is CH broke their testing equipment, (From their mouth, not mine). Check out the article at
http://www.DailyRadar.com It's in April's issue of PC Gamer.
Good hunting,
"Live to Fly! Fly to Fight! Fight to Live!"