Author Topic: 9./JG 54 "Grünherz" info - vee ar ze best!  (Read 1201 times)

Offline StSanta

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9./JG 54 "Grünherz" info - vee ar ze best!
« on: January 19, 2001, 04:17:00 AM »
Welcome to the introduction paper thingy for 9./JG54 "Grünherz".

9th Staffel, 3rd gruppe of JagdGeschwader 54 "Grünherz" (Greenhearts) was formed as far as our drunken minds can recall back in tour 5 or so. The original members consisted of derelicts, drunks, drug addicts and mad medical students from JG2 "Richthofen". Our greatest asset is calculated to be Kirin, since in the future he will be able to write prescription drugs to all of us.

One of the reasons for the break with JG2 was the word Jagdgeschwader - you won't see 109's and 190's alongside with F4U-s and Spitfires. All immersion and reason for calling such a group for a Jagdgeschwader disappear. This is a fundamental difference; 9./JG54 is not better or worse than all plane squads; but different. And superior. And has better looking pilots.

This great squad is run 100% democratically - we do not have officers or superiors in the normal sense. The job of the Staffelkapitän is to be the face outwards and conclude the results on referendums. The Staffelkapitän is usually also held a bit more responsible for squad nights, initiating training procedures and so forth. Senior officers also have the right of Prima Noctem  . At the moment, Staffelkapitän StSanta has been taken ill with a nasty disease that he probably got exercising his senior officer rights and is grounded. Propaganda Officer Kirin has taken the honourable job and is presently the acting Staffelkapitän until further notice.
Right now 9./JG54 consists mostly of European pilots with a few exceptions such as NathBDP, our resident American.

Initially 9./JG54 had only a few rules; Rule Number One: LW only. This rule was lived by very strictly despite temptations to deviate and fly other aircraft. Recent changes in Aces High has left the LW somewhat behind - new terrain is not LW friendly and the advent of carriers means the focus has shifted somewhat. As a result, it was put to a vote - with options and opinions ranging from strict adherence to total abandoning of the rule. The end result was that the C205 is to be considered a LW aircraft since JG 77 flew it for some time, and the A6M Zero will be used as a substitute for the carrier based 109E until such a one is added to the planeset.

The current planeset for 9./JG54 is thusly:

109F4, 109G2, 109G6, 109G10
190A5, 190A8
C205, A6M5
JU-88, C-47, Patrol boat, M3, M-16 and Ostwind.

These are the *allowed planes*. It's considered rude to break this rule, and newbies should not expect it to be bent
without it going through votes and so forth. It takes dedication to be part of a LW only squad. Squad members wishing to fly other POS aircraft can take a Leave Of Absence and run such childly thoughts out of their heads and then return to the glorious squad, where he will be treated only slightly better than a rabies infested dog with diahrea that's running around cleaning his behind on the fine squad carpet.

Another rule was initially in place to ensure that the time zone related problems that existed in JG2 weren't repeated was "Europeans only". This one has also been stretched a bit, and as long as the non European is willing to fly on European times, that pilot is welcome. Usually members can be found online from 18:00 CET to around 03:00 CET.

Social life on Roger Wilco is something to behold and not for the faint hearted. On climbout, personal attacks and insults thrown in jest are quite common - but once the action starts, it's business time. Unless Kirin is in trouble, then the time has come to taunt him for his inferior capabilities.
Hearing "ACHTUNKKK, Spheetfeure!" and German language over RW adds a good deal of immersion  .

There is of course an official RW channel for 9./JG54 that stays with the same IP always. Squad nights are held at 20:00 CET (mainland Europe is CET +1) on Saturdays and during these as many members as can get online for a couple of hours of various missions. These are *fun*. In the future, a date will be found for regular training.

We've been challenged by the 5th GIAP and that's our next big special event. During an earlier event, the Afrika scenario, many pilots from 9./JG54 flew in JG 77, incompetently led by StSanta who, regardless of costs, seemed hellbound on making as many mistakes as psossible in as short a time as he could muster. Nevertheless, we got out of it with honours. NathBDP also led a 190A8 squad with great success during this scenario.

Homepage is on the way we say. This might or might not actually be true, but it sounds good.

Ehm, that's about it, really. Now go make money; initial membership fee is $500 to each existing member(introducing pyramide scheme possibilities here)

We're the elite. We're as good as überhumans can get. We're LW

Grounded non acting Staffelkapitän
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"Is zat my bootprint on your butt?" - Falcon 3, MiG-29 addon

Offline Duckwing6

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9./JG 54 "Grünherz" info - vee ar ze best!
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2001, 06:33:00 AM »
*sniff* *sniff*

Smells like superior ShI**  


P.s. maybe i'll get into that dog of a 109 once more just to hear you yelling SPEETFEUER on RW  

Offline StSanta

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9./JG 54 "Grünherz" info - vee ar ze best!
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2001, 02:02:00 PM »
Vee ar zat gut, Herr Von Duckenwinger!  

9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

"I am the light at the end of your sorry little tunnel." - A. Eldricht

Offline Ripsnort

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9./JG 54 "Grünherz" info - vee ar ze best!
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2001, 02:05:00 PM »
They need bubble canopies for you guys in that 109... <S> Santa, good luck with recruitment!

Offline StSanta

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9./JG 54 "Grünherz" info - vee ar ze best!
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2001, 05:30:00 AM »
Rip, head swelling is considered beautiful in zis country!


Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

"I don't necessarily agree with everything I think." - A. Eldritch