I see everyone dissin the AMD K6, saying they dont cut the mustard.
This aint true. The K6-2 is not the best by a long shot, celery does outperform it.
However the K6-3 will slaughter a celery and give a Pentium III a run for its muney, espc since its cheaper. Furthermore the K6-3 sits in a Super-Socket 7 board which DOES come in AT form factor.
The K6-3 comes in 400 and 450 only
- it got superceded by the K7 (ALLRIGHTY!!!!) but you can over clock to hell and back
try getting a k6-3/450 and clocking it to 550 (depending on what board you have).
It will murder a celery and be about 1/3 as cheap. and you wont have to buy a new case either.
Dont anyone even try to diss the Athlon - it'll kills even the fastest coppermine and has a faster FSB
Long live AMD
As for video cards - TNT-2 Ultra is the only way to spell video card. Ge-Force Pro if ya got the cash
Overlord Spatula,
1st Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group
"... 10 Me-109s out of the sun..." Aces High, Iron Maiden.