Took a few photos of some of my getfiddles last night
my apologies if I made them to big
the first pic is of my Fender Strat and my beloved Custom XXX by Shecter

this next pic is of my Dixon, from the research I done trying to find the history behind this guitar, one of the guitar websites said it was a Martin's Guitars attempt at a second line ( kind of like Gibson / Epiphone or Fender / Squire or Ovation / Applause ) the Dixon name only lasted little less than 2 years........ This guitar sounds so sweet it took me nearly 5 years to give in and install a Dean Markley under the Bridge "Line" Pickup.... I was so scared I would ruin the sounds and Harmony of this piece..... It took me over 4 hours just to shave the bridge down on the bottom to make up for the thickness of the Dean Markley pickup.... I was so happy when after all was said and done, it still sounded just as sweet as it always had and the added benefit now is it can be played thru an amp.. but you would never know it if you closely inspected it. I have had friends want to borrow this guitar and dang if it not take me nearly six months running them down to get it back....and then they bug me to buy it last standing offer to me was for $800........ but it will never be sold............ I would rather have this verse a Taylor Auditorium that cost around 3900.00+/-..... it sounds that good....

Next is a pic of an Ibanez Artist which I started my oldest daughter on when she turned 12, she had been into the violin and into Keyboards ( note she and her Sister have 2 nice keyboards Yamaha and Casio 76 key and the yamaha is 88 key ) a Telecaster copy I built/modified myself and then the Berhinger copy of a Strat which I got my yonger daughter to playing when she turned 12 as well, ( the girls are now 22 and 18 )

This next pic is of my JayTurser - Screamin Eagle ( that's what I call it, this guitar is very fun to play and has a fast action similar like a Dinky (Jackson )
it does nicely for me both acoustic and amplified

I will see if I can get some more pics of the rest of my guitars....... damn batterys died in the camera and my rechargeable ones quit on me several months ago ( are worn out )
I have an Ovation Celebrity, I have a Tradition Les Paul ( First Edition ), I have a Mexican FatStrat HSS 3 tone Sunburst ( Made in Mexico Fender ), and a few other guitars
I am not a player, I am not Great ... I just play at it ....... am soon to be 43 and I started when I was around 8, started taking lessons around age of 11, been in a few Bands back in my Teens and one during my Navy Tour, then one back in 2000 thru 2003....but nothing serious...... just love to jam , love to make up my own music, riffs, melodys verses playing something someone else made or recorded
anyhows..... sorry I rambled on for so long and again, sorry if the pics are to large...... ( I did resize them smaller they all were original 1600 x 1200 size )
great storys Mir, Fugitive, and Billyd .... everyone
bring on more pics