Feel the love for Madda.
p39-d JUGglerta152 JUGglerGood fights was really surprised in the 152 round.
Fun fights man, good flying Nice to meet you!
SUNS, Santa Anna winds here, constant 50mph with gusts 70+.....so my line o sight microwave to Mt.Palomar's is all over the place. Even got accused of cheating by "warping on demand" in MA. Will have to shoot for thursday, winds are forcasted to diminish.elfy
http://www.mediafire.com/file/k64gr4d834hd3wk/suns109.ahfhttp://www.mediafire.com/file/vsrfb10ct853vrw/sunsF4U-1.ahf109g2 SunsF4U-1 Suns GFs Cant believe I choaked twice elfyGL Hope you go all the way=)