Debrody=Hypocrite clear enough for ya 
DrBone=HOSS shade? LOL! Your behaviours are pretty much the same, i got a proxy on you then you cry abut a g-6 BnZ gangbanging a spit16, and ride on it all day. I was talking about the squad, not personally you (but we all know, youre unique. Its in your signature: "its a gang when more than 1 dfc members are in the same sector" sure, cuz its at least 10 twit16s there). Sou state you often find yourself alone when you have squaddies on... it must have a reason when even your squaddies are avoiding you
Btw That was the most shameful post you ever did Bone. You dont use your neurons and think about what i was writing but trash-talk.
Edit. if its not the forum to mention the name of the SDL, its not the forum to post some of theese "<3"