I don't want to say that I'm lazy, but could you please summaries what that says.
BTW we do need to remodel the yak.
Essentially a 3 cannon Yak-9T. 1 37mm NS37 or 1 23mm VYa-23 and 2 20mm B-20 cannons, all in the nose.
The sources I've just looked at go from "Proposed", as a universal gun Yak with 20mm up to 57mm through the propeller, to less than 300 being built.
According to the linked BB message, it seems the reluctance on HTC's part is photographic proof that it actually existed.
Lastly in our conversation yesterday Pyro, you said that your greatest hesitation about including the x3 20mm loadout or the x2 20mm + x1 23mm loadout, was that you hadn't seen any pictures of aircraft armed in this manner. So what I did was start to look for Yak-9's armed in this manner.
Another source seems to indicate that it was built from Feb. to May, 1945, and saw combat in the waining weeks of WW2,
destroyed in 19 air battles 28 aircraft about [tivnika] of, including 27 FW-190A-8 and 1 Me -109G-6, after losing only two its aircraft.
Soviet Air Force Fighter Colours 1941-1945 p.172.
This is the first I've heard of it being built or seeing combat but Soviet sources are sketchy at best.
+1 for starting a new thread with the old thread linked though.

edit: Oh yeah, it's in IL-2.