ummm. No sir, Dred...... I have always been talked down to about my choice being Hitachi... on this forum kind of..but it does not matter, everyone has their choice.
that same theory can be said for most of the United States regarding electrical power supply distributed throughout the homes & businesses...
I have experienced it first hand especially in VA, NC, SC, TN, GA and FL...... the Power Grid is crumbling and is not upgraded fast enough to keep up with the population's power demand, here..... It is hell on electrical components in HVAC especially when the power legs are uneven , dirty, erratic and not steady...regardless if one is talking single phase and three phase / 110,115,120,208,220,230,240,250,270,400,460,480,600v...etc.../ 60,90,100,125,150,200,400 etc... amp service
I would think ( and I know assuming is not wise most times ), that any research, testing, studies being done would be performed under"controlled" situations, although this specific test/study had no control over how each individual HD was powered up, I would not come to the conclusion that more WD or Seagate HD's had more unstable power condtions than the Hitachi HD's did, I just take it as Hitachi builds a more reliable product regarding the "Specific Model/Sized 500gig HD's".....excluding user error, which is also mentioned in the article...... just because a HD fails does not always fall on the manufacturer, but on the HD Owner and how they handled/maintained their components......
so when someone tells me, "I would not buy that, I had one(or more) go bad", I have to ask myself: was it the manufactuer's fault the product failed? or was it the User's fault?
it is odd that trying to find these studies are a bit like searching for a needle in a hay stack
It would be interesting to know how the HD Brand use breaks down for the "commercial/corporate/Industrial companys"..... kind of in the same fashion as how more homeowners/consumers use HP/Canon/Brothers printers/AIO printers verses what the corporate world more relys on???