Here is my 2 cents on this.
Did you notice how HT is talking about subscription? From what I've read so far on the subject and according to HTC, the split occurred to keep the competitivity level acceptable. As someone here already mentioned, this game is BRUTAL. And some player are very good at what they do. Better than any new comer is. I mean someone totally new to online flight sim like this. In an heavily populated arena, new comer just become cannon fodder for the better sticks simply because there is too much 'predator'. Spreading the total population over 2 arena allows for more player to play all the while easing the learing curve a bit for the new guys out there(like me), because they don't get jumped every 5 min by an angry mob.
I remember maybe 2 years ago coming to AH and being completely put off. Not by trash talk or ganging/hordes and whatever else. Just the sheer difficulty of the game. Why? because unlike a single player game, in AH odds are not stacked my way. And I had actually had to learn an think just to get to survive. I would be very surprised if 1 out of 10 trial become subscriber.
Of course HTC is trying to make as much money as they can. Who would not? But on another level, They are trying to make the game as enjoyable as possible for more people. And make the community grow. It's what is called progress. Maybe you are nostalgic of when there was only 1 big arena but that's not healthy for the community HT told us. He has a lot riding on this decision since that's what he do for a living. That's too bad that sometimes you can't get to fly with your buddy. I would be interested in you recording the number of times you get to fly where you want vs the number of time it does not, tough.
Sometimes if a company want their product evolve, they have to make some unilateral decision about their product and where the company want to go with it. That's what is meant by : don't ever listen to your customer. The bottom line of this is : are we profitable and does our company grows. If yes, complain about how the change in the product changed the way they used the product are inevitable but not relevent in the least and should not even be taken into account in making a business decision. Change must be imposed, not suggested trough a poll. That's what HTC did. And they have numbers to back the fact that it was the right thing to do since it made their numbers grow.
This as been discussed sometimes already and we, collectively are going to need to just get over it. It's not going to change back to the way it was.
I acknowledge that there is a limit to the optilmal number of player a particular map can support. As the community grow so should the maps.