Thanks for trying to help. Your images helped me to identify the problem. (It still doesn't work for me, but at least now I know I'm not going crazy.)
At the bottom right of all of your images I can see three buttons that are NOT PRESENT when I run the editor. Here is an image showing what the Mission Editor looks like for me [click the link]:
http://techvideoreview.com/FlightSimMovies/AcesHigh/Ah2Missions/MissionEditor/MissionEditorFrameMaximized00.JPGI've tried every trick known to mankind to scroll lower or to access any items in the lower-right corner area as you illustrated them, but nothing causes their display on my computer.
Because I never saw the "View Selected" button to which you refer, I was attempting to use the "Display Selected Route" drop-down menu item associated with routes. It was the best match I could see compared with the instructions.
I don't know why I can't see the "View Selected" button. Perhaps your display is bigger than mine? I run at 1280x1024 resolution.
Anyway, thanks for clearing that up for me. Maybe someday I'll figure out why those two buttons are never visible to me and then I'll be able to see all of the flights and routes when running the mission...
In the meantime, I get by as I always have....