Pervert, I honestly thank you for trying to add to the thread. I complimented you earlier because it was truly a good shot however I didn't intend to make this thread about that particular sortie. I had flown a bunch that day and in a few different areas of the map. It just happened that there were a couple more 190D's around that day. I've been in flight sims/AH for about 1 1/2 years now and have had many experiences with the Dora but had never bothered to ask until now so, if it appeared that it was any reflection upon you or that particular sortie it was unintended and my apologies.
Vudak earlier said that the style of flying that would be more successful here is Hartmann like; I agree....Of course you can fly it like you want to.....All I've been trying to figure out is other than the rope or, shooting while unseen what are some great ways to land kills quickly in the 190D and, if so will it be useful for the F4U jock? If you're constantly trying to rope people that will get you killed in an area congested with bad guys; it's time consuming. As, you're slow at the top somebody will come along co-alt and kill you. Or if you have to make 3 - 4 passes to get someone slow; while your doing so someone again comes along and kills you or chases you away.
A 51 or F4U is better at the BnZ because they have a better combination of roll AND pull. Any 190 will roll better than those 2 but, when you're done rolling you're still gonna need your elevator's. In a dive either of these 2 can pull the nose on a target while the 190 is giving you the "buffet" noise when you pull more than a little. If you use energy saving moves/vertical turns the F4U retains energy so well that you can sidestep the 190 almost all day if you're 1 on 1. As much as he is waiting for me to go too vertical and rope myself, I'm waiting for him to pull too hard in a turn and stall or, if he's diving on me go too far below me and then I'm above chasing him. Of, course if there is a big mix of good and bad guys there are too many variables. I think communication/check 6 here is even more important than the plane or individual skill.
I don't want to thread to be about who is right and who is wrong, I think everybody has made some interesting points. I'm just trying to learn something new.
Salute All!!