Howdy all, our squad is trying to recruit new sticks for our squad. we are a german based squad, while german iron is not manditory it is recommened. we arent the best squad in this game by far but we do have dedicated sticks to show new sticks the ropes. my squad mates are the best bunch of guys ive had the privilige of meeting and you wont have a dull night
. squad night is wedsnday at 2030 hours, which is 830 eastern time.
if you wish to join our squad visit our website and register, or look for any of us online, mostly in MA or ava, my in game handle is iamarmy, squad vox is 127, 18+ is what we want but its based on maturity levels more than age. we do fso, snapshot, and saturday events. so come join us
<S> IamArmy
P.s we fly knights