I love this game too. But what's love got to do with it? I just want to see HTC keep this party going.
If you haven't noticed some of us are passing on, some of us are moving on.
Was at a conference once near Reading, Pa. The speaker noted, "Down the road is the Reading Railroad Co. They were once on top of the world. King of the railroads. What happened? They defined themselves as a Railroad company, instead of a transportation company. The Wright brothers came along, and the rest is history."
I agree that no one should have the gall to think they could have done a better job at what HTC is doing. I do think that listening to what your customer base has to say is important. I feel a beta coming on (hint).
Pay someone $15 to shine your shoes, you will get a nice looking shine. Charge someone $15 to shine your shoes, they will tell you to get a new pair of shoes. Every once in awhile, a new pair of shoes might give you better wear and comfort. Of course they have to be broken in.