For the sake of discussion or the need to just let it go

It's the only Brewster we have. For immersion sake, it's the way to go. The Allies already are upping Hurri I's that are lesser performers and have less hitting power then their historical counterparts at Rangoon. The Mk IIA and B in particular had a better speed by almost 20mph over the Hurri I. The Hurri IIc actually is slower then the IIA and B and yes that's with the tropical filter. Call it even with the Brewsters. The Japanese are upping birds of higher performance with better hitting power then their historical counter parts. Throw in that 110 and those cannons, and I'd say I'm not too worried about the Japanese suffering from the Allies being coddled by flying two squadrons of Brewsters.
I think as a P40B driver, I ought to be screaming the loudest. Instead I think I'll just fly the thing, enjoy pretending I'm a cartoon Flying Tiger pilot and hope the immersion is what I think it will be.