Author Topic: RIP William Donald Schaeffer  (Read 225 times)

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RIP William Donald Schaeffer
« on: April 20, 2011, 07:37:25 AM »
One of History's greatest Mayors to ever truly lead a city from disaster. He was former Mayor of Baltimore Md.
In the 70's Mayor Schaefer took the Slum/Ghetto of the Inner Harbor, and turned it into a World Class, must see area.
He was responsible for a complete turn-around of what Baltimore was. His leadership and inspiration got his city's
population proud to be from "Bal T more". The city went from a trash-strewn, crime-ridden town, to one where
you CAN walk around safe at night, and not see trash everywhere you go.
Mayor Schaeffer went on to serve as Marylands Gov. but will be remembered for what he did in Baltimore.
I remember him well as a kid growing up in Maryland, during his terms.
He passed yesterday, I think age 84.

                                                                                                          <S> Oz
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The world is grown so bad. That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch.- Shakespeare
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