If you do that, and press, say, up and to the right, will AH recognize both inputs at the same time - i.e., will it accelerate and turn right? IIRC it recognizes extra hat switches as 4-way rather than 8-way, but will it recognize the diagonal directions as multiple inputs?
All-in-all I like the new system for GVs, there are just some bugs to work out.
Yes it will accelerate and turn left if you pull move the hat swtch diagonally. Also for what ever reason, maybe Patch 1, but my TrackIR worked from teh Commander position again. So I could look around without hte gun moving and then move the gun with the joystick. System is fine. I too would prefered if they ADDED steering and acceleration and braking to the pedals as an option, but driving the tank with one hat switch is easy peasy.
Got in the Panther yesterday and love the new site and how it worked. I don't know if the c,v funtion (elevation change) is assignable through the game interface, but I can map it because I have a programable hat switch, so that was also a piece of cake.
I like it. Great job.