Author Topic: European Virtual Air Combat Convention 2001  (Read 343 times)

Offline Flossy

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European Virtual Air Combat Convention 2001
« on: July 15, 2001, 10:03:00 AM »
Hi folks

In case you've not had time to check the convention website this is an update to let you know of a few developments.

Witch has volunteered to run both the Aces High and Air Warrior head to head competitions during the Con and as well as writing a WWII aviation quiz is currently building a 1st prize for it. I've seen the painstaking attention to detail he puts into these models and the results are simply stunning. If you need proof just check out

which has some great pictures of his models. The quiz is bloody hard so if you want to be in with a chance of winning it you better start swotting  :)

Big < S > to Witch!

Other news is that we have a confirmed guest speaker. Vulch has done us proud by persuading a Bomber Command veteran, Sam Hall, to provide an after dinner speech. As well as flying Wellingtons in Bomber Command, Sam was forced to land in Portugal and subsequently interned after developing engine trouble on route to the Middle East. After returning to the UK Sam flew Wellington and Lancaster missions over Germany until the end of the war when he became a flight instructor. This promises to be one of the most interesting speakers that the Cons have ever had! More details are on the con website at

Big < S > to Vulch!

The current roster for the Con has 18 players and possibly 11 partners coming. I know some of you are leaving it late to register, but I'd ask that you let me know as soon as you can if you can come. The earlier we know the easier it is for us to sort out space for PCs, network resources etc. Dstar has added online registration to the website has for you to use...

Big < S > to Dstar!

BTW if anyone has great ideas for other competitions and quizzes I'd be interested to hear them, and if you would like to run them during the Con even better. The con will obviously reimburse you for any materials used (paper, ink carts etc.)

That's all, look forward to seeing you all in Birmingham.


Bill < AH Bunter - AW Buntr >
Flossy {The Few}
Female Flying For Fun

Offline Flossy

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European Virtual Air Combat Convention 2001
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2001, 03:51:00 PM »
As usual, apologies if you see this too often...

Just to let you know that Terry (Spiff) has done a great job pestering  companies for prizes for the Con and although more is sure to arrive we are gradually accumulating Con raffle prizes which will all help to raise money for the Con charities.

We've some kids stuff from Humbrol (but I seem to remember the polystyrene planes were pretty popular last year - well I thought they were good  :)) and Corgi have promised umpteen DieCast Spitfires, about 350 quids worth.  

We've also got promises from CH and Spiff's firm are donating some small prizes or booze :*) <hic>  

The RAF Hendon Museum has already sent 2  complimentary tickets for two adults.

Pass the word and remember to register at


Bill <AH Bunter - AW Buntr>
Flossy {The Few}
Female Flying For Fun