It can get aggravating at times, I was stuck trying to chase a 262 in a wildcat earlier tonight becasue the eny was 29 for us, but at the same time we did have like 75% of the other two nations combined population and were moving in groups so I can see that side too. We still managed to win the war even if we were stuck taking bases with P-38Gs, D-11s, TBM, and B-25s, but admittedly we got lucky to have I think two squads active and running large sweeps, if it had just been an "every man for himself" rabble type situation we'd probably have been torn to bits. Actually with that level of organization it was sort of fun, an interesting handicap, but that's the thing really if the larger team has it's crap together the eny system works . The greater numbers balance out the inferior aircraft, but as I think we all know that's pretty rare. If you get stuck with an outrageous eny like that with a team with no real organization it tends to rather quickly degenerate into hair pulling frustration as you're blasted over and over by grossly superior aircraft.
I think the real solution would be a better arena locking system, the system MUST know that a given arena is grossly imbalanced why it can't it lock it ONLY for the guys that would be joining the most heavily populated nation? Or spit a prompt that says "you can join, but will be placed on the least populated team". Ideally such "balance joins" shouldn't count as a real team switch so after you log off and re-join again later if the balance is better you'd be put back on your old team automatically. Yes I know this would be "unfair" to people that are die hard for one nation, but you know seriously guys we all get the same planes and you don't have to read the chat, or listen to them talk if you don't want too. Really if having to fly with "the enemy" now and again, and as long as I'm not being forced to be locked out of my preferred nation for an extended period afterward, is what it takes to balance the teams so be it.