I've been dabling with FONV for a little while. Since Dec really. I started a mod a few months ago. Presently Im working on the scripts for the quests, which for me is starting get quite complicated. Anyway I don;t have a finished date yet, Fallout New Zealand maybe out before I finish, but if anyone wants to check it out heres the Link,.
http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39721I have some other small mods too, but this one is huge. Theres a video walk through, and ALOT of custom 3d work also. Tons of pics. If anyone does any voice work and would care to assist at this stage let me know. Unfortuantly you can only use this mod, or any mods for the PC version only. Theres also the first working still in the game with custom recipe's and the quests will be to deliver the hooch. Theres also a liquor effect which effects your vision.
Anyway enjoy if your into this sort of thing.