I understand your points and agree with what your saying, but don't you think the idea of censoring posts on FB because of the information contained therein might conflict with another persons interest is just bad business?
How is it different than censoring posts in this BBS? We may not like it but FB belongs to someone and I am sure you electronically signed some kind of an agreement in order to use it. Basically, even though no one reads the agreement, they have agreed that FB can do what they are complaining about.
I joined to stay connected to my friends, no matter what they believe or crazy stuff they may post. Doesn't seem like censorship would be a sustainable practice in a social media website like FB. But I guess Zuckerbergs profits prove otherwise huh?
It is not censorship. They are not a government agency. They provide a free service that we are free to refuse to use. Just like this BBS.
What do you think about Google collecting personal information from WIFI networks during their Google Street View Mapping? They provide a free service of Google Maps & Earth, does this entitle them to mine info off unprotected WIFI networks?
Somehow I missed that. What do I think or are they entitled to? Without double checking, I think they are for the same reasons we are allowed to have radar detectors. I think there is some law out there about broadcasting. Anything anyone broadcasts is free for everyone to receive (explains why you don;t get charged for regular tv). So, if you choose to broadcast with your wireless router without any security or encryption, anyone can receive that information. I don;t think they can legally use the service or decrypt the information, but we are serenely free to receive your broadcast. I would check on this though since I don;t remember 100%. I read it a looooooong time ago lol.