Do the AvA regulars think there is something broken? Is the current setup unsuccessful for those who spend their AH time in the AvA?
It just seems there is an occasional AvA "drive by" from someone who doesn't necessarily spend a lot of time in the AvA but, wants to reconfigure it to be like the MAs. There seems to be a flurry of thread input and then they disappear. Just a thought......
Objectives are hard to achieve with our compatible smaller numbers on any given night. It's a great idea to have an object in each setup but, difficult to get enough folks going "same way, same day" to achieve them. When some guys have a short time to spend in game and others just don't want to go after the objective, it's hard to concentrate effort on the objective. Not sure what the right mix of objective and player numbers should be. Case in point for this week. In an effort to battle the carriers and polish my extremely rusty TBM torpedo attack technique, I was forced to dump the torp and turn to defend against the air attack because there weren't enough players on to escort/fighter sweep.
to the AvA staff for the effort in presenting a new scenario every week. Much appreciated!