I believe the spit 14 needs a slight perk but i just love arguing 
Why? It not only is massively outperformed by all other perk aircraft in actual outcomes, it is unique in being a per aircraft that is out performed by some free aircraft.
I find it funny that people will get a chorus of agreement that the F4U-1C should be unperked, but suggesting that for the Spitfire Mk XIV which sees much less use to much less effect gets a much more mixed response.
The only way that one can advocate the Spitfire Mk XIV remain perked and not be a hypocrite would be to advocate the perking of a significant number of other aircraft, such as the Bf109K-4, Fw190D-9, Ki-84, P-47M, P-47N, P-51D, Spitfire Mk XVI, Typhoon Mk I, Ta152H-1 and possibly the Bf109G-14 and N1K2-J as well.