Author Topic: New Squad: =LETALITY!=  (Read 5602 times)

Offline DaHand

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2011, 06:24:21 PM »
Where are the rules?

Offline JOACH1M

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2011, 05:50:51 AM »
Where are the rules?

On the front page
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Offline truss51

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2011, 08:07:35 PM »
Absolutely. Oh Dear. Tssk Tssk LLogan. You must play nice.
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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2011, 08:11:01 PM »
INK, I know you to be a master of the 1v1 and your midichlorian count is still ridiculous, but I think you're off here- it depends on your point of view...  Some folks like fast-paced knife fights, others like meticulously planned missions. Just because an engagement starts out organized doesn't mean it won't break into multiple 1v1s.  My 15 bucks dictate having both aspects.

Or 8 on 1.  :bolt:
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.

Offline Letalis

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2011, 03:04:39 PM »
Oh my, look at all the Rule 4's Llogann's scoring. That's sure to put him in the sin bin. Oh dear... such a harsh person given to vulgar language is sure to violate the rules.

I appreaciate Letalis' sentiment but the spelling bugs. What's the major beef with "H"?

I'm not going to qualify consistently anyway. I keep oscillating around that 1:1. I've had brief bursts of as high as 4 but then I always get dragged down, then pulse up. Someday, I'd like to be a consistently >1:1 k/d pilot. I think if I could just expunge the ground fire deaths and the augering (more of a challenge than you might think if you fly the 109) I'd probably help my cause a lot.

Mockery thinly veiled as...interest PJ?  Was the misspell of "appreciate" a fluke or a funny :headscratch:  Regarding your trouble hovering around 1:1, there seem to be two lines of thought related to this.  #1 Get a squad. A good wingman will turn you into a consistent 3:1 pilot. #2 If you are in a squad you can't just "cut and run" when a squaddie is in trouble and land your 5 kills.  Success of the philosophy depends on your ride.  If you like flying Ponies, La7s and K4s you might actually be better off though this is the exception.  If you like flying F6Fs and the P47D25 (IE me), I know from experience that a good wingman will turn me from a 3:1 pilot into a 7:1 pilot simply because of the option to disengage from a faster opponent. I have found the latter experience much more fun than flying Ponies. I'm not much of a social bug but I am competitive. The downside to philosophy #2 is that if your wingman sucks, he'll drag you down.  Competent wingmen goes a long way towards being a "fun" squad.  If the wingman is so bad that you'll be better off alone there's not much justification for a squad is there?  "Synergy vs. Suck" is the reason for squadron standards.  Shunning standards is a direct route to mediocrity.

This thread has turned into a game of piranhas vs pariah partially because of credibility, partially because it could be seen as some elaborate ruse to name a squad after myself. (Correct Impression?)  Do I want folks to see the connection between my handle and an outstanding squad?  Darn right I do, and putting up with crap to start the squad is why I'll have earned it. 

I'll throw out something of a concession: I regret including any personal info or experiences on this thread simply because it has provided material for the inevitable detractors. I could send each and every one of you (insert appropriate adjective here) half a dozen "hero shots" along with my full SSN and anyone could STILL debate the veracity of point XY or Z.  This is the internet, nature of the beast gents. Suffice it to say that cartoon prestige is not a valid reason to compromise personal integrity. 

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Offline Letalis

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2011, 03:37:06 PM »
Further clarifications:
K/D: Maintaining a 1:1 K/D is an initial requirement only. The requirement will be moot once in the squad since the K/D should only go up. I realize that there are a LOT of people out there much better than their stats would indicate, it merely serves as an initial baseline for getting a decent squad started.
Language: The errant F-bomb is not in any way grounds for getting kicked. I've sworn at the computer but never wasted the bandwidth to advertise my frustration. We're talking habitual strings of compound cusses here.

Update: What little active recruiting I've done has been almost exclusively of the furballing Knit players. (No offense to Rooks/Bish) There is some reasoning here...  Right now I'm not a "chesspiece worshipper" but I trend toward the Knights and I've noticed the Knits do not usually win wars in days that in in Y. There is common frustration with organization among Knight players who "give a sh*t" that I'm admittedly trying to take advantage of here. I do not intend for LETALITY to stay Knit forever, but right now a medium-sized organized squad will have the biggest impact on the Knights IMHO.

FYI: No squad invites are being sent out till 4 Jul, that way we can claim a notable date for the SQ birthday ;) 
In the meantime. I look forward to winging up with interested gents and pestering good sticks that "need work."  :salute
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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2011, 03:56:35 PM »
Mockery thinly veiled as...interest PJ?  Was the misspell of "appreciate" a fluke or a funny :headscratch:  Regarding your trouble hovering around 1:1, there seem to be two lines of thought related to this.  #1 Get a squad. A good wingman will turn you into a consistent 3:1 pilot. #2 If you are in a squad you can't just "cut and run" when a squaddie is in trouble and land your 5 kills.  Success of the philosophy depends on your ride.  If you like flying Ponies, La7s and K4s you might actually be better off though this is the exception.  If you like flying F6Fs and the P47D25 (IE me), I know from experience that a good wingman will turn me from a 3:1 pilot into a 7:1 pilot simply because of the option to disengage from a faster opponent. I have found the latter experience much more fun than flying Ponies. I'm not much of a social bug but I am competitive. The downside to philosophy #2 is that if your wingman sucks, he'll drag you down.  Competent wingmen goes a long way towards being a "fun" squad.  If the wingman is so bad that you'll be better off alone there's not much justification for a squad is there?  "Synergy vs. Suck" is the reason for squadron standards.  Shunning standards is a direct route to mediocrity.

This thread has turned into a game of piranhas vs pariah partially because of credibility, partially because it could be seen as some elaborate ruse to name a squad after myself. (Correct Impression?)  Do I want folks to see the connection between my handle and an outstanding squad?  Darn right I do, and putting up with crap to start the squad is why I'll have earned it. 

I'll throw out something of a concession: I regret including any personal info or experiences on this thread simply because it has provided material for the inevitable detractors. I could send each and every one of you (insert appropriate adjective here) half a dozen "hero shots" along with my full SSN and anyone could STILL debate the veracity of point XY or Z.  This is the internet, nature of the beast gents. Suffice it to say that cartoon prestige is not a valid reason to compromise personal integrity

sorry I came off a bit harsh, truly good luck with the squad.

these words I completely agree with
as you can see by my highlighting of them :D....words to live by :salute

Offline Letalis

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2011, 02:44:48 AM »
No worries,
Bridge up here...

Water down here... 
NEVER underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” -Einstein

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #38 on: June 13, 2011, 04:32:48 AM »
Mockery thinly veiled as...interest PJ?  Was the misspell of "appreciate" a fluke or a funny :headscratch: 

It's a little irony coupled with incompetent fingers. Otherwise, I actually appreciate this argument as well. I have a squad but we are typically only working together in FSO - and even then, just barely (though I note squaddie JVBicwill and I did considerable damage in our 2 Brewies Friday before getting killed, in my case by a friendly who was trailing the same Yak as I - Bic got 5, I got 2k/3a/1bldg). I fly a g-14 in the MA, generally, usually enabling an escape, depending, and generally do so alone.

Not to name names but it was Bino, who I can't blame. I kept stitching that Yak with my one remaining .30 and he wouldn't go down.

You're absolutely right about standards. Without them, your squad wil be just a group of guys of varying quality, most of whom will never work together. If I could stomach the 6 view of that F6, I might even be tempted. 
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline daddog

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2011, 11:28:27 AM »
Best of luck with the new squad.  :aok
After running one for 15 years I am enjoying retirement and the position of a simple spear carrier. :)

My advice would be:
1. Don't take it too serious.
2. Make fun a priority.
3. Make, making friends a priority.
4. Never place AH time before the family time.
5. Ignore the egos and idiots.
6. If the truth offends, let it offend, but always be respectful.
7. Don't put up with drama. Just boot them out and move on.
8. Humility will carry you a long way and not give your enemy any ammunition.

Much of what you posted suggests you already have most of it covered.  :aok


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Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2011, 01:36:23 PM »
Best of luck with the new squad.  :aok
After running one for 15 years I am enjoying retirement and the position of a simple spear carrier. :)

My advice would be:

5. Ignore the egos and idiots.

Great. That'll leave him with a squadron of 1 - and he won't be sure about that last guy.
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline daddog

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2011, 04:02:47 PM »
To be sure sometimes the pickings are slim. :)
Noses in the wind since 1997
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Offline Letalis

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2011, 02:18:27 AM »
Best of luck with the new squad.  :aok
After running one for 15 years I am enjoying retirement and the position of a simple spear carrier. :)

My advice would be:
1. Don't take it too serious.
2. Make fun a priority.
3. Make making friends a priority.
4. Never place AH time before the family time.
5. Ignore the egos and idiots.
6. If the truth offends, let it offend, but always be respectful.
7. Don't put up with drama. Just boot them out and move on.
8. Humility will carry you a long way and not give your enemy any ammunition.

Much of what you posted suggests you already have most of it covered.  :aok


Thank you for the advice sir, a cartoon squadron from scratch is certainly a departure from my typical pursuits-any advice welcome.  :salute


PJ, even with tip #5 factored in, I estimate 1.96 AH subscribers worthy of membership in the prestigious concept that is Letality. 1.96 rounds up to 2.  Win.  :rock  Problem is they are probably :uhoh both on outstanding squads already...
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Offline LCADolby

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #43 on: June 14, 2011, 09:52:59 AM »
wow this thread is lethal
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Offline Becinhu

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Re: New Squad: =LETALITY!=
« Reply #44 on: June 14, 2011, 09:55:36 AM »
wow this thread is lethal
Actually this thread is fit with squad name. :bhead
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