That was by design.,308257.0.html Below was the event that inspired the film. The stationary targets and the torpedoes did two things. 1) Specific areas to defend with a fictional premise that Hitler targeted his revenge as well as sought out to disable as much of the Allies' Navy, especially their submarines. 2) Torpedo bombers were forced low on the deck giving the defenders an opportunity to engage (in a timely matter in AH time).
The Baedeker Raids
Hitler demanded reprisals for the more than 250 tons of incendiaries dropped on the Baltic seaport of Lubeck. The Luftwaffe's attempts to follow the Fuhrer's wishes would become know as Baedeker raids.
*Thursday night's event, is a fictional mission that is loosely based on units that served in this area.
While on temporary detachment to the Low Countries KG30 was the sole Ju88 Kampfgeschwader to remain in action against the British Isles. Its two Gruppen were supported by 3 of the ex-coastal units Kampfgruppen 106 506 and 606. Combined with the Ju88 torpedo- bombers of II. and III. / KG26 (brought up from their bases in southern France), they set out to disrupt the Allied shipping amassing in the Channel. Their target was to be all ships in harbours like Portland harbour, but especially the Allies submarines.
Will the lessons learned at Pearl Harbor aide the Allies in their defenses, or are will they be doomed to repeat the tragedies on another front? Come join in the AvA arena on Thursday March 10, 2011 recieve orders @ 8:30 pm EST and be sure to film every minute of it. A contest will be held for the best edited film of the event.
There will be a You tube video contest. The best video of the nights action will be posted on the AvA website.
Greater than 50% percent of these ships destroyed will be an Axis victory, less will be an Allied Victory
There are 5 ships at each port 1 carrier 2 submarines 1 cruiser 1 destroyer
Targets are the ships at P-105, P-106, P-107 and P-108, and P-109
Axis objective: Torpedo as many ships as possible.
Allied objective: Defend ports.