except I dont think the numbers work out like that, up to the fixed cap being reached I'd say its more like:
We do not to take guesses or calculate it. We have already been there.
We had experiences and tracked numbers with that stuff for years in the LW arenas. Literally. Because for all practical purposes, when the caps set in, they
were fixed for the first few hours. LWO was full with 100 or 200 people, no one could get in there, and the other arena is about empty. Because they didn't fill up in a balanced way. One arena will grow until it's reaching it's caps limit, and any player coming too late will stand in front of an almost empty arena. Which results in many folks either logging of, or doing the refresh game. The arena boot at switchover was instated just because of this phenomenon. A simple fixed cap will create totally unbalanced arenas.