Progress! By scaling the axis in the AH controller configuration so that it outputs 100% at 70% movement, I've ALMOST got this cracked. I move it to the detent and get 95% FMP, shove it past the detent and get WEP. For some reason though, it doesn't want to hit 100% FMP at the detent, although it looks like it should be from the raw/scaled indicators in advanced controller setup. I'm going to play with the dampening and see if that fixes it...
Another issue (are you listening HTC?) is that it doesn't seem possible to copy the scaling settings from one axis to another. For obvious reasons, I want both left and right throttles to respond identically, but right now I can only approximately duplicate the scaling slider settings. I'm going to get into the configuration files and see if I can do this by hand, however a numeric readout of the slider positions, or a "copy from axis" function would be great for those less daring. This isn't a criticism. Thanks for putting in the Min/Mid/Max axis functions that make this possible in the first place.
And by the way, it's WAY cooler and more intuitive to fly like this, rather than having WEP on a separate button. This is certainly how modern fighters work, with the afterburner staging happening after hitting full throttle. I imagine on piston fighters there were a variety of ways of turning on WEP, depending on the system (ie, was it just wide, wide throttle, or nitrous injection, or whatever). Anyone have any info on this?