maybe i am speaking from a rook's point of view.. therefore most of the other countries dun get me...
Generally speaking there is no such thing as a "rook's point of view". All countries are being equal in having the same share of furballers, toolshedders, horders, "noble" duellers, GV guys and so on. Like in any chaotic environment like the AH universe, there are some temporary structures appearing every now and then. Some times one country get's ganged, then it's another country's turn for some time. Same for any kind of player's organization.
It simply goes in cycles: Some country gets rolled, at one point a sufficient number of players is not only fed up but finally manage to coordinate. With a bit of luck out of this tiny seed either a new base taking mega squad or a kind of alliance will grow. Quite often made up of players that are relatively new to AH and now think they are the first ones to be "organized" in such a large way; in truth they are just the 783st incarnation of the Big Locust.
After some time, the megasquad or alliance starts to crumble: Players leave the game, others get bored with flying around in the swarm,´generals fight each other more over the right strategy than they do fight the enemy.
We have been through this cycles a lot of times in every country, and old AH players can name a quite a number of former mega horde squads and alliances.